

Created: Fri Jun 18 2021Updated: Fri Jun 25 2021

icon Peer Rewards

Client-side application that allows employees to receive and assign rewards. The app demo is available at


Tech stack

This is a React application bootstrapped with Create React App for a fast and clean start.

It uses Material UI as UI framework as it helps to start immediately building modern-looking GUI without significant efforts or customization.

Formik and Yup are used for fast and well-tested form validation. Day.js is used for dates formatting.

Tests are ran using React Testing Library and Jest.

Installation and Usage

Clone the repository and install the dependencies, then execute start to run the app in development mode:

git clone
cd peer-rewards
yarn start

Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

yarn test: launches the test runner in the watch mode.

yarn build: builds the app for production to the build folder.