

Created: Mon Nov 23 2020Updated: Tue Jun 22 2021


Armoria is a procedural heraldry generator and editor by Azgaar. It's both a serverless GUI tool and server-side API. Almost the same code is also used as a part of the Fantasy Map Generator project.

Armoria is under development, the GUI version is available on Github Pages and here is the tutorial. Join our Reddit community and Discord server to share your creations, discuss the tool, suggest ideas and get the most recent updates.

You can support the project on Patreon.

Gallery View

Editor View

For Developers

The tool is almost zero-dependency vanilla JS with just Svelte to build GUI. Svelte is a bit specific framework that compiles components to vanilla JS.

I am not a profi in web-development or Svelte, so help from professional developers and Pull Requests are welcomed.


Clone the repository and install the dependencies, then run dev to start Rollup and build in dev mode:

git clone
cd Armoria
npm install
npm run dev

Navigate to localhost:5000. You should see the app running. Edit a component file in src, save it, and reload the page to see your changes.

To create an optimised version run npm run build.


Armoria API is available as a seperate project, see the documentation. The API allows to GET random or predefined vector and raster heraldic images of a given size.


The code is distributed under MIT.

Simple svg shapes and charges are self-made and available under CC0. Complex charges are historical, svg renders are coming from WappenWiki and available for non-commercial use under CC3. Source info is added to svg files as a comment.

All images are manually optimized by me.